Meet The Team

Manager, Teacher, Counsellor & Therapist
Jennie is the creator of Healing Time. Jennie wanted to bring Spiritual & holistic health into the community & create a space to offering a variety of services. Jennie has worked within Health industry for 15 years and teaches workshops and offers counselling and therapies within Healing Time. To download a copy of all of Jennie's Healing & Therapy services click here.
For more info on Jennie go to

Pellowah Teacher, Reiki Healer
& Transformational Coach
A. Pellowah Teacher, Reiki Master, Transformational Coach. Mindfully working with the shifting consciousness of an awakening population. Anne is also an assistant here at Healing Time who can be found running our Soul Spa Day on Tuesdays. You can find our more details on her offerings below.
07799742134 |
Pellowah Healing Liverpool

Debbie offers a range of Hypnotherapy services, a Smoking Cessation Programme and Brain Working Recursive Therapy.
Go to our Hypnotherapy page to see more information
Or visit Debbie's website page on

Therapist, Meditation Teacher & Sound Healer
Sue is a Mindfulness Meditation teacher and offers 1 to 1 sessions as well as group work. She also offers reflexology, sound healing and Beyond Quantum Healing, a gentle regression therapy. Contact Sue on 07896 096 049

Our beloved healing pooch Jessie unfortunately passed away in August 2021.
Jessie was often seen around the centre, chilling in our yoga sessions, the spiritual workshops. She loved just being around bringing calm to therapeutic sessions.

Oracle, Medicine Songstress & General Assistant
General Assistant at healing time, Laura is also an oracle & channel as well as creates meditative soundscapes & sound healing journeys with Emptiness in Sound. She has been holding oracle sessions for several years and is not following the call of her passion for voice and sound.
More info on Laura can be found via her instagram @laurajane_aura on her site

Shamanic & Breathwork Facilitator, Womens Circles
Emma runs a variety of classes at the centre including Soundhealing, Breathwork, Shamanic drum journerys and
some very powerful Shamanic Womens Circles.
More can be found on Emma via her instagram page

Counsellor & Supervisor
Joanne is a BACP accredited counsellor with over 20 yrs NHS experience which includes supervising other counsellors, working with families, relationships as well as 1 to 1 counselling. Joanne offers supervision service to trainee counsellors and will be running some family therapeutic sessions at Healing Time in the future.

Eden and Aurora
These 2 beautiful healing Snow Bengals were gifted to Jennie following Jessie's passing.
They have been sitting in (when requested) on some treatments and counselling sessions and join in Reik.i Training
Animals can support healing and are a particular success with children, young people, anyone with mental health problems and the autistic spectrum.
Join Our Team
It is our endeavour to host a diverse range of services at Healing Time.
If you have ideas for workshops, events, treatments, or anything that you think we may be interested in at Healing Time, please feel free to drop us an email.
With regret, we DO NOT offer positions that conflict within our existing services.
Send your email/CV/Qualifications and any ideas you may have to Jennie -
We have an open Coffee morning in Calm Coffee on Tuesdays 10am-2pm, where we have a selection of drinks and snacks for sale.
Please feel free to pop in for a tour and chat !