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Spirit School

Interested in energy work, connecting to yourself, healing spiritually, or connecting with and working with spirit? Join us on one of our courses/workshops within Spirit School of Psychic and Energy Work at Healing Time Wirral.

Jennie (The Divine Edge) has been been teaching for over 10 years and runs Reiki, Psychic Training and other groups. We also have a Psychic Circle on Tuesday evenings  at 7pm facilitated by Joy King of Soul Matrix who also runs Friday evening development groups. We thrive off creation and enjoy creating new workshops but most of all I enjoy seeing people progress and connect with their authentic selves.

We also run IPHM accredited certificates. Keep up to date with workshops on the events pages where you can book on any of the courses and Facebook where you can access events and trainings from other practitioners including Pellowah and Tameana Training.

Profile of a woman with the galaxy as a brain. The scientific concept. Dreamer, creative m
Healing course

Reiki Level 1 Accredited Training - £160

Reiki one is all about self healing and introducing you to that concept in 2 days of training

Learn about Reiki and energy healing including the history of Reiki, the Reiki precepts, the aura and chakra systems. The course is experiential so you will practice meditation, mindfulness and learn all the hand positions required for self treatment and the treatment of others. You will learn and practice grounding, protection and various Japanese Reiki energy techniques.
You will be introduced to a new understanding of energy and disease and explore new ways to heal all areas of your life and be given further support in this. You will also look at the power of intention and the frequency of love and compassion in healing. You will be attuned to Reiki 1 energy by your Master Teacher and will receive a Reiki 1 accredited certificate at the end of the two days.

Price includes manuals, Lineage, certificate and lunch and refreshments for both days. 

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Reiki Level 2 Practitioner Accredited Training - £250

Become a confident Reiki therapist working with a high degree of professionalism and ethics.

The course content includes understanding and using Reiki Symbols; sending distant healing; Level 2 attunement; developing intuition; chakra rebalancing; using crystals and pendulums to detect imbalances; scanning methods; protection and grounding; laws and ethics around working professionally; working with animals and an introduction to animal communication.

You will have the opportunity to practice full treatments on one other.

As part of this 2 day course you will be required to complete some case studies and written work to demonstrate your abilities. Price includes manuals, Lineage, accredited certificate and lunch and refreshments for both days. 

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Reiki Refresher Day - £144

A one to one Reiki Refresher day catered to your needs. Helping you refresh your skills, increase your confidence, or have the chance to work with another Reiki master with 15 years experience. Sessions are 6 hours and include the necessary manuals to update your skill set.


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Open to anyone Reiki attuned or who has completed a Spiritual Healing Course.

Some areas included are: Styles of animal communication, including body language, recognising our blocks to working with animals. using animal guides to assist with communication and healing, telepathic and other communication styles. animal chakra and aura system, the role of animals as healers, energetic transference of emotion and illness between pet and owner, dowsing and scanning methods and of course practice.

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Animal Healing & Communication (Accredited Certificate) - £180


Professional Certificate in Crystal Healing (for therapists) - £111

This one-day in-person training is designed for existing therapists who want to incorporate crystals into their healing treatments and personal practice. The course is IPHM Accredited and covers a variety of ways that crystals can be used for personal and professional healing, energizing, protection, grounding, and manifestation. Work with different types of crystals, Chakra balancing and healing techniques, Creating and using crystal grids, Crystal water, Meditation with crystals and using oracle guidance within sessions, Manifesting. Includes comprehensive theory and practical work, Training manuals. Enhance your existing therapy practice with crystal healing techniques, Use your knowledge for self-healing and to help family, friends, and pets and incorporate into client work. IPHM Accredited Certificate upon completion. Join us for this relaxing and informative workshop to elevate your healing practice with the power of crystals! Lunch and refreshments included.

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Accredited Diploma in Reiki & Crystal Healing - £499

Do you feel drawn to the power of crystals and energy work to positively impact your life and the lives of others? Are you ready to awaken more of your spiritual gifts? Become an accredited Reiki & Crystal healer. Reiki Level 1 and Level 2 attunements and coursework, crystal healing for practitioners training, includes a self healing day, plus optional extras such as reiki shares and supervision sessions. This course is for you if you have the desire to step forward into the realm of energy work.

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Past Lives, Karma and Soul Healing Workshop - £75 

Exploring Past Lives. This is a workshop for healing, spiritual growth and self awareness.

Due to the in-depth nature this workshop is limited to 6 participants.

Find out about reincarnation and how past life healing can support you in your spiritual growth.

We look at ways to connect with our past lives and do various regression and visualisation exercises during the day. We will learn about the laws of karma and invite the Lords of Karma to work with us and guide us to release our own karma. We will also connect with the Akashic records to discover more about our own soul purpose.  We will learn about Soul Groups, Soul Mates, Twin Flames and much more.

This day is informative, experiential and enlightening. 

Price includes lunch and refreshments.

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Divine Feminine Healing & Sacred Sexuality Workshop - £65 

For Women Only. Join us on this explorative and healing workshop where you will be guided by the Goddess Ishstar to learn about the Goddess Sex Temples, Look at your belief systems regarding sexuality and what it is to be Feminine. Guided by a Psychodynamic, Spiritual teacher & Counsellor, you will be asked to challenge any beliefs that are blocking you from truly stepping into your power.

You will step back into history and be introduced to the Goddess Ishstar, where we do various meditations/visualisations, sacral energy clearing and learn about breaking karmic and ancestral cycles that have threatened the collective feminine. By the end of the workshop we hope you will have a new outlook, let go of blocks and are feeling confident !

Price includes lunch and refreshments.

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Pellowah Level 1 & Level 2

The purpose of Pellowah is to increase your capacity for positive change. Pellowah is an Angelic word for “radical shift in consciousness”. This form of healing connects all 12 strands of DNA ready for activation. It also unblocks and realigns all meridians within the body giving a feeling of connection and well-being, enabling you to reach your highest purpose and potential. Over 2 days you will receive attunements, learn to give healings and you will receive healings, draw Pellowah symbols, be guided through meditations Level 1 and 2 can be done in a weekend or separately at a later date for your convenience. On completion of Level 1 and Level 2 you will be registered as a Pellowah Practitioner with Kachina Ma’an (Founder).

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Psychic courses

Spirit Guide Connections Workshop - £50 

An amazing day to connect with your spirit guides.

By the end of the workshop you will have connected with several guides and understand how to build on these relationships.
This workshop is for anyone with a sense of curiosity or for those working within the field of healing or spirituality who want to learn more about themselves, connect more with spirit and strengthen communication and understanding of self.
*Introduction to guides* *Different types of guides and their purpose* *Ways we can connect* *Building the relationship* *Meditation to meet your gatekeeper* *Animal guides and drum journey to meet an animal guide* *The different realms and concepts of guides*  *Connection visualisation journey to meet a guide to receive guidance *  Price includes lunch and refreshments and a manual

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Accredited Beginners Psychic & Mediumship Development Course - £65

A complete beginners guide! No experience necessary.
Have you got an interest in the unknown?
Ever been amazed by your own intuition, been drawn to healers and clairvoyants? This is the course for you. Informative and experiential. 1 day in person training where you will learn about frequently used terms such as psychic and medium and the clairs, creating a space, grounding and protection. Learn the different ways to connect with spirit and practice with card reading, psychometry and reading tea leaves. Includes manual, accredited certificate, theory, meditation and practical exercises.

Price includes lunch and refreshments.

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Get Confident with Tarot Accredited Certificate - £80

Even if you're a complete beginner you will be reading 12 cards by the end of the day !!

I break the day down to take the scariness out of card reading, so you can read even without psychic ability. Learn about the Major and Minor arcana, What do we look for? Symbols, colour, astrological signs and more, Find new techniques to connect with the court cards, Look at a variety of spreads for beginners. Master the art of story telling and gain deeper clarification and insight into a person's story, Practice different ways of reading the cards including psychic and mediumship abilities, 

Price includes lunch and refreshments, manual and accredited certificate of completion plus an opportunity to purchase your own deck at our holistic shop.

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Certificate in Card Reading - £85

Whether you are an oracle, Tarot, Angel card reader or use a combination, this workshop will help you to get creative with your practice. This accredited course is for those who already have an understanding and practice of working with cards. We will learn about different styles of treading and different spreads practicing these different styles, such as chakra and energy readings, relationship spreads, future predictions and more. You will also tap into your own creativity and unique style as a reader and create your own spread that suits your reading style

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Introduction to the Akashic Records

During the evening you will be introduced to the Akashic Records and how they can be used in your own life to assist with your own healing and understanding of your life purpose. We will do a guided spiritual meditation which will allow you to connect with and access the Akashic Records to receive guidance and knowledge. You can use some healing cards/oracle cards to seek further wisdom or insight into what is needed in your life right now.


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Spirit Rescue Work

If you are an intuitive or are already working with spirit you may be picking up on spirit who are lost and need that extra support. This work is super important, not only to help the distressed souls but for the people on the earthplane including the collective. This is both an informative and practical workshop which comes with handouts and a manual with course information. Lots of info for anyone with an interest in spirit release work.

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Automatic Writing Workshop

Learn about Automatic/Spirit writing. Practice channelling and reaching altered states to receive guidance from your higher self/guides. Learn about the Akashic and tap into collective energy using spirit writing as your tool for future predictions.

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Psychic Practice

This workshop is for those who already have some knowledge and practice in psychic and mediumship abilities. After ironing out the differences between psychic reading and mediumship readings we will practicing our different connections and reading via a variety of exercises including Psychometry. The focus of this workshop is to look at increasing your connect to spirit and how to deliver the messages.

The session will include group work and 1 to 1 readings. With the exception of psychometry no other tools will be used except for our psychic senses. The day is suitable for all levels of readers including beginners.

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An opportunity to practice your psychic skills and look at the art of scrying.

We will delve into learning about this ancient art.

We will look at symbology and how psychic information is interpreted through symbols.

We will look at receiving guidance and delivering messages to others through a variety of scrying methods including

Water, Crystal Balls and Crystals.

A fun and informative day to practice our clairvoyance abilities.

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Remote viewing & Telepathy

An interactive day of practicing your psychic skills

Suitable for anyone with an interest to practice!

During the day we will explore


*Connecting with your spirit guide and protection symbols.

*The art of remote viewing

*Card Readings for guidance practice.

This day will include lots of practice and you will be supported and encouraged to gain trust in your self and your abilities.

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Reconnecting the fragments meditation

Both Past and Present relationships can take our power if the relationship isnt balanced or toxic in any way. We can still be energetically connected or have emotional attachments to past relationships which continue to cause pain which may include heartache, self esteem, confidence issues, overthinking and more.
On this event we explore how this happens and will be guided intoa healing meditation to draw back our own energy and cut ties to toxic relationships.


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Full Moon Healing & Trataka Meditation

A healing meditation working with the illuminating energies of the full moon and the burning element of fire to support an evening of release and healing work  with the art of candle gazing.


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Self Love Healing Meditation

An evening meditation with Counsellor and Spiritual Teacher Jennie Reay. We will be using meditation to connect with our higher self for guidance. There will be self reflection, affirmations and energy healing using rose quartz crystals and guided visualisation to bring in self love and healing.


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Mindfit- 8 Week Meditation Course - £111

Join me for 8 weeks of healing, self awareness, mental, emotional and spiritual growth.

**Reduce anxiety**  **Lift depression** **Connect with your true self**
**Learn a variety of things that you can implement into your life to assist with your healing**
*Meditation and relaxation exercises*EFT and energy healing*Healing past, present and future*
*Energy work, including working with the chakras and using Crystals*Mindfulness practice*
*Self love and connecting with our higher self*Law of attraction and manifestation*Letting go of past hurts and attachments*

Each session is 1hr 30min and includes philosophy and talk on our healing work, meditation/relaxation exercises, self reflection, handouts and refreshments

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About Divine Edge



Discover the transformative power of wellness with the Divine Edge [Jennie Reay], who believes that the journey is just as important as the destination. The Divine edge offers in depth spiritual and psychic and healing courses for anyone wanting to develop spiritual awareness or their intuitive abilities.

As a psychotherapist Jennie is able to offer in depth 1 to 1 work enabling you to to release blocks, become empowered and step into your own healing. 

Join us for workshops, courses and intensive therapy to discover who you really are and connect with your true life purpose. Now is the time to start!


*Intuitive Healer * Counsellor * Teacher *Lightworker

*Releasing illness, stress and faulty belief systems *Connecting to your higher self to lead the life your heart desires *Creating healthier relationships, including with yourself.....and *Finding you! Discovering that YOU are enough, and YOU have the power to CHANGE and CREATE the life you wish regardless of any restrictions there seems to be. Because "Restrictions" are simply obstacles for us to overcome...for when we shift our focus and perceptions and connect with who we are....MIRACLES happen.


About Jennie Reay

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I've been working within the field of spiritual health since 2008. I meet my clients in that heart space intuitively connecting with who they are, identifying their needs and walking with them on their path of healing and empowerment. 


THERAPEUTICALLY I work with clients to establish their subconscious blocks which may be from past trauma, early relationships or even from the more unseen including past lives and other spiritual issues that may arise.

I work intuitively, with integrity, empathy, whilst challenging my clients to face their fears and move forward through the healing process.


My WORKSHOPS are in depth, eye opening and a place to create new friendships and develop your abilities. Often I have heard "Are your workshops always this intense" because when we work with spirit we never know what surprises will occur on the day!!


Within my Teaching Practice I have trained many counsellors, energy healers, psychics and mediums providing a safe space to share my own knowledge and encourage my students to let go of any conditioning they have on themselves and step into their own unique abilities. I am an ACCREDITED TRAINING Provider of Reiki, Crystal Healing, Animal Healing. Psychic and other energy work courses.


Behind me I have a reportoire of training including Teaching, Psychodynamic and Relationship Counselling, Angelic and Usui Reiki (Master Level), Advanced Mediumship and Psychic training, Past Life Healing, Ancestral Healing, Spirit Release Practitioner, 

Soul Retrieval, 13th Rite of the Munay-Ki initation (Womb Healing) and various other Complimentary health practices.


Please also visit our facebook page where you can find more courses and workshops held by our other expert teachers and practioners. 

Keep up to date with the latest information on our Facebook and Instagram pages !
Join our Faceb0ok group "Healing Time Spiritual Health"

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